
Mozy.com Free Remote Backup.. it rocks!

Mozy is a FREE automatic remote backup program. You install the program on your machine, and you backup files to a remote server at their location. The signup took less than two minutes to complete and the application is very light and quick to download and install.

After installing the program, log into the application on your computer, and select the encryption mechanism.
[x] encrypt my data with Mozy’s own 448-bit key (or use your own)

Mozy is a FREE automatic remote backup program. You install the program on your machine, and you backup files to a remote server at their location. The signup took less than two minutes to complete and the application is very light and quick to download and install.

After installing the program, log into the application on your computer, and select the encryption mechanism.
[x] encrypt my data with Mozy’s own 448-bit key (or use your own)

You can use pre-existing backup set, or create custom backup set. After selecting a backup set to run, you can configure the schedule. One feature that I thought was cool, was to set it to backup when the computer is not in use.

Restoring files is sweet. This will open up a web browser to Mozy’s site. Log in and go to Restore Files. There is representation of your directory tree structure will present. Drill down to your file(s), add a check and click ‘Restore Files’. An email will be sent after restoration has been completed.

The bottom line, this is pretty easy nice remote backup solution for FREE!!! You can purchase more space if needed, but 2GBs is plenty to keep some important configurations stored elsewhere. The only thing I was worried about was how the data is stored on the server, I think ideally it would be good to encrypt stuff on your local file system and back that up, if you’re worried about sensitive data.

They’ll have a port for Mac soon, but it’s only support Windows XP for now. I wish there was way to integrate via Linux, etc. I’m sure this is using rsync as a transport mechanism.

Give Mozy a try.. and it’s free.. can’t beat that!