
Upgrading Postfix to 2.4.5 has some VDA issues

I’m currently using a virtual MTA system, including amavisd-new, spamassassin, clamav, postfix and using quotas on a per mailbox basis. When I upgraded to 2.4.5, I started seeing quota limits exceeding on accounts that have quota limits of ‘0’. Zero quota use to mean no-limit. Nov 25 07:55:41 comp postfix/virtual[2800]: DF03FA38D: to=<user@domain.com>, orig_to=<user2@domain.com>, relay=virtual, delay=0.18,… Continue reading Upgrading Postfix to 2.4.5 has some VDA issues


Postfix Startup Problem – fatal: epoll_create: Function not implemented

I’m managing a few Gentoo boxes for a client. This environment is sort of a nightmare (initially set up by someone else.. who I’ve never met and currently hate now). Basically, it’s a xen environment running several Gentoo images. On one of the images today, I was unable to start postfix after the upgrade to… Continue reading Postfix Startup Problem – fatal: epoll_create: Function not implemented


Upgrade from Samba 3.0.24-r3 to 3.0.27 causes problems with Windows.

So after upgrading from 3.0.24-r3 to net-fs/samba-3.0.27, I immediately ran into problems with my mapped drives. Clicking on the drives from Windows, I received the following: ————————— Local Disk (C:) ————————— X:\ refers to a location that is unavailable. It could be on a hard drive on this computer, or on a network. Check to… Continue reading Upgrade from Samba 3.0.24-r3 to 3.0.27 causes problems with Windows.