
AskReaMaor.com – A computer related blog

With this sponsored post, I’m pleased to talk about AskReaMaor.com, which is a Computer related blog. I’m a nerd and I enjoy the presence of other nerds. Almost all of my ‘real’ (non-virtual) friends are nerds as well. Being around nerds is great for getting great dialog, and overall really helps me become a better programmer and administrator.

Rea’s blog is great and offers a nice balance of human spirit along with heavy tech talk, so nerds and non-nerds will be able to enjoy it. I’m also impressed with the overall design of his WordPress application. It’s clean and easy on the eyes. His categories are diverse and provide a good overall view of technology. Obviously, I jumped right to ‘Linux and Unix’.

With this sponsored post, I’m pleased to talk about AskReaMaor.com, which is a Computer related blog. I’m a nerd and I enjoy the presence of other nerds. Almost all of my ‘real’ (non-virtual) friends are nerds as well. Being around nerds is great for getting great dialog, and overall really helps me become a better programmer and administrator.

Rea’s blog is great and offers a nice balance of human spirit along with heavy tech talk, so nerds and non-nerds will be able to enjoy it. I’m also impressed with the overall design of his WordPress application. It’s clean and easy on the eyes. His categories are diverse and provide a good overall view of technology. Obviously, I jumped right to ‘Linux and Unix’.

One article caught my eye, ‘Fixing Windows using a Live Linux CD – part one‘. Now, I’m partial to Gentoo, and they have a great LiveCD, which in the past I’ve dropped into a few Window boxes to repair corrupt files, and what not. Nice to see him address this, and thoroughly, since this is a four part series.

Make sure if you visit the site and find an article you enjoy… Digg it! Since the site is new and starting to get a community built around it, some Digg love will give him some additional traffic.